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Jesús Saracho Appointed as ICC YAF Regional Representative

Where Advocacy Meets Business

March 2019 – Foreign Associate Jesús Saracho (visiting from Uría Menéndez) was appointed as an International Chambers of Commerce’s Young Arbitrators Forum (ICC YAF) Regional Representative. The Representatives will work under the guidance of their Regional Directors and the Global Coordinating Committee to ensure that each of the six Regional Chapters—in which the ICC YAF is divided—achieves its goals:

Africa, Middle East, and Turkey.
North Asia.
South Asia.
Europe and Russia.
Latin America.
North America.

Jesús will serve the Europe and Russia Chapter.

ICC is the world’s largest business organization, representing more than 45 million companies in over 100 countries. YAF provides a variety of opportunities for individuals to gain knowledge, develop skills, and understand ICC’s arbitral procedure and other dispute resolution services. This appointed group of young practitioners is ICC YAF’s the most regional and gender diverse group to date.

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