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Anibal Sabater Spoke at the International Association of Lawyers (UIA) 67th Congress

Where Advocacy Meets Business

November 2023—Chaffetz Lindsey’s Anibal Sabater spoke on two panels at the International Association of Lawyers (UIA) 67th Congress that took place October 25th-October 29th in Rome, Italy.

Anibal joined the Friday afternoon session “Recent Developments in International Arbitration.“ Juliya Arbisman (Steptoe) and Cecilia Carrara (Legance) also sat on the panel with Andrea Carlevaris (BonelliErede) moderating the discussion.

In addition, Anibal moderated the Saturday morning session “What Will Successful Law Firms Look Like in the Future,” which brought together big law and smaller law firm practitioners, as well as in-house lawyers and AI experts, to discuss the current economic, political and technological trends are shaping the practice of law. Anibal moderated the discussion among panelists Kato Aerts (Lydian), Eugenia Castrillon (IE Law School), Monica Crespo (Jus Mundi), Dominik Suoniemi (W. R. Grace & Co.) and Carlo Mastellone (Studio Legale Mastellone).

Learn more about the event here.

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