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Diego Guevara Speaks to Foreign Lawyers at Georgetown Law

Where Advocacy Meets Business

April 2016 – On March 30, 2016, Chaffetz Lindsey associate Diego Guevara spoke on a panel at Georgetown Law at a discussion entitled  “Promoting International and Comparative Law.” The event was hosted by the Foreign Lawyers at Georgetown (FLAG), an organization that supports non-US students who are pursuing advanced degrees at Georgetown. The purpose of the discussion was to give the audience personal perspectives on how issues of international and comparative law confront practitioners whose practice extends beyond the borders of the US. Each of the panelists covered a different region of the world. Diego covered Latin America, drawing on his experience in the region, including his time spent as a foreign legal consultant in Brazil. Co-panelist Jennifer Lim, of Debevoise & Plimpton, covered East Asia and the UK, and co-panelist Nilesh Sinha, formerly of Jindal Global Law School, covered South Asia. The panel was moderated by Prof. David Koplow.

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