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Gretta Walters Presents on Investor-State Arbitrations at the SCC

Where Advocacy Meets Business

October 2014 – Associate Gretta Walters co-coached the New York University team at this year’s FDI Moot, which took place at Pepperdine University School of Law in Malibu in late October. Forty-one teams (with 189 students and coaches) competed in the competition, with a further 18 participating in the additional regional rounds in Seoul and New Delhi. Gretta coached the team, which came in second, with Christian Alberti from the ICDR, and with the assistance of Professor Jose Alvarez, the faculty sponsor at NYU.

In addition to her coaching responsibilities, Gretta gave a presentation to all the participating students, coaches, and arbitrators on investor-state arbitrations at the Stockholm Chamber of Commerce (SCC). Behind ICSID, the SCC is the arbitral institution that has administered the most investor-state arbitrations. Before joining Chaffetz Lindsey, Gretta was Legal Counsel at the SCC.

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