October 2019 – GAR Live New York is taking place in downtown New York City today, and Chaffetz Lindsey Founding Partner James Hosking is participating in the Oxford Union style debate session where teams of debaters argue in favor of, or against, a motion. This year’s topic is “This house believes that the increasing standardisation of international arbitration procedure is a positive development.” A panel of judges will then voice opinions on what has been heard, before choosing which side to support and giving reasons for their decisions. All the participants in today’s debate include:
GAR Live New York is hosted by Global Arbitration Review. This full day event brings together prominent arbitrators to deliberate over developments and trends in arbitration and includes two GAR Live favorites, the Debate and Question Time sessions. The conference is includes an audience of practitioners from across the US and the rest of the world. For more information about today’s GAR Live New York event, click here.
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