February 2022 — On Tuesday, February 15 EST/ Wednesday, February 16 NZST, the Arbitrators’ and Mediators’ Institute of New Zealand (AMINZ) will host “Arbitration Day in honor of Sir David Williams KNZM, QC.” The event celebrates Sir David Williams QC, a pioneer of international arbitration in New Zealand. Chaffetz Lindsey’s James Hosking will present his paper “Witness-Gating in International Commercial Arbitration: Guidelines for the Gatekeepers,” evaluating the arbitrator’s power to exclude witness evidence.
The full day program will include a line-up of presentations and discussions from those working at the forefront of arbitration in New Zealand and overseas, including Dr. Simon Foote QC, Hon Paul Heath QC, Sarah Grimmer, Royden Hindle, Sam Jeffs, Daniel Kalderimis, Dr Anna Kirk, Robert Kirkness, Sharnika Leleni, Lauren Lindsay, Wendy Miles QC, Polly Pope, Nicola Swan, and Diana Qiu.
Event Details:
Tuesday, February 15, 5:30pm EST/Wednesday, February 16, 11:30am NZST, 2022 via Zoom.
Find full program details here and register for the event here.
AMINZ is the largest professional institute in New Zealand for people working in the area of dispute resolution. Learn more about AMINZ here.
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