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James Hosking to Speak at the DC Bar’s Investor-State Dispute Settlement Year-in-Review

Where Advocacy Meets Business

January 2021 – On Friday, January 22nd James Hosking will lead a discussion on “The Year in Umbrella Clauses” at the DC Bar International Dispute Resolution Committee’s kickoff event for the year, Investor-State Dispute Settlement 2020 Year-in-Review. The program will feature a keynote address by ICSID Secretary-General Meg Kinnear, followed by four rounds of break-out sessions focused on the key ISDS developments in 2020, including James’ session on umbrella clauses.

The remote program begins at 12:00pm. Registration is available here.

The event is sponsored by the International Dispute Resolution Committee of the D.C. Bar International Law Community, which addresses international legal issues through programs, community outreach projects, and publications dealing with such matters as U.S. import and export laws, foreign investment, international finance, international antitrust enforcement, human rights, global technology issues, national security, immigration, intellectual property, international criminal law, and public international law.

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