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Law360 Quotes James Hosking in “3 Things To Consider In Face Of Asian Arbitration Boom”

Where Advocacy Meets Business

March 2016 –A recent article published by Law360, titled “3 Things To Consider In Face Of Asian Arbitration Boom,” highlights the fact that Asia has increasingly taken a front and center role in international arbitration, leaving practice group leaders to ponder practical questions about how much they want to expand their footprint on the continent.  The article examines what factors firms should consider before expanding their international arbitration practices eastward.

Chaffetz Lindsey co-founder and partner James Hosking was quoted in the article explaining the firm’s preference to partner with leading international firms rather than expand its own footprint, specifically in Asia.  As James explains, “We want to be free to take on work and to counsel with the right firm in the right jurisdiction when we need to, and we think we can do that more effectively because we know the Asia-Pacific market well.  We know which firm will suit a particular case and we can put together a team to represent a client rather than having to build the brick and mortar office.”

Chaffetz Lindsey has an active Asia-related practice, having handled in the last year alone more than fifteen disputes involving seven different jurisdictions within Asia-Pacific.  Chaffetz Lindsey lawyers are active as counsel in Asia-related arbitrations, sit as arbitrators in arbitrations seated in Asia-Pacific, represent Asian clients in US litigations, and have active roles in regional organizations.  The firm has particular expertise in commercial and investment arbitration disputes arising out of Asia-Latin America investment flows.

To read the entire Law360 article, please click here (a subscription might be required to access the article).

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