October 2012 – Chaffetz Lindsey Partner James Hosking recently participated in two panels that looked at the protection available for Chinese outbound investments around the world. The growth in Chinese outbound investment looks set to continue, as China seeks to address its energy needs and other growth priorities. As Chinese companies invest in new and/or high risk regions, the potential for disputes grows, and the need to understand the choices available to protect and resolve disputes becomes more acute.
On October 18, James was part of a panel at the second annual GAR Live Asia conference in Hong Kong that considered the steps Chinese investors should take to avoid disputes involving their investments, and the options available to them when disputes arise, including bilateral investment treaties. GAR Live Asia was part of Hong Kong’s International Arbitration Week, which included a series of conferences and other events.
On October 19, again in Hong Kong, James participated in a client seminar organized by Asia based King & Wood Mallesons. This panel discussed in detail the protection afforded by investment treaties and specific strategies to protect Chinese investment in the U.S..
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