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Yasmine Lahlou Speaks on ICC New York Conference Panel

Where Advocacy Meets Business

September 2024—Chaffetz Lindsey’s Yasmine Lahlou will speak on the panel “Contracting and Arbitrating with States and State-owned Entities: Emerging Trends, Challenges and Best Practices” on Thursday, September 26th as part of the 19th ICC New York Conference on International Arbitration in New York, NY.

Yasmine, Gabriel Costa (Shell Brasil Petróleo Ltda), Christina G. Hioureas (Foley Hoag LLP), Amanda Jiménez Pintón (ICC International Court of Arbitration) and Paula Linhares Karam (Petrobras) will discuss best practices related to managing commercial arbitration proceedings with states and SoEs from initiation to award enforcement as well as explore the latest on navigating sovereign immunity and delve into other critical substantive and procedural issues for effectively managing contracts and resolving disputes involving states and SoEs.  The discussion will be moderated by Jonathan C. Hamilton (Paul Hastings).

The conference will feature experts in the field as well as representatives from the ICC International Court of Arbitration, all at hand to engage with professionals wanting to keep pace with the latest arbitral developments. Learn more about the event here.

Chaffetz Lindsey is a proud sponsor of the event.

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