April 2023— Chaffetz Lindsey’s Yasmine Lahlou will speak at the upcoming 2023 Columbia Arbitration Day on Friday, April 14th. The theme of this year’s event is “Arbitration Beyond the Box: New Innovations & Perspectives” and will feature panels discussing ESG arbitration, Belt-and-Road disputes, and domestic judges on international arbitration.
Yasmine will take part in the second panel of the day “Navigating Belt-and-Road Disputes” alongside Jingzhou Tao (Arbitration Chambers), Lianjun Li (Partner, Reed Smith Hong Kong), Diana Tsutieva (Partner, Foley Hoag) and Simon Navarro (Partner, Sidley Austin). Prof. Robert Smit (Columbia Law School) will moderate.
This panel features law firm partners and arbitrators that will discuss the role of the Belt-and-Road Initiative (BRI) in their practice and how different jurisdictions and arbitration institutions deal with BRI disputes.
Chaffetz Lindsey is a proud sponsor of the event.
Event Details
When: Friday, April 14th 2023 | 8:30am-9pm EST
Where: Low Memorial Library (2960 Broadway New York, NY 10027)
Register for the event here.
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