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Law360 Highlights Chaffetz Lindsey’s “Donate Your Commute” Campaign

Where Advocacy Meets Business

April 2020 – In response to the tremendous need created by the COVID-19 crisis, Chaffetz Lindsey’s team came together in support New York Lawyers for the Public Interest (NYLPI) and City Harvest, both of which are addressing the critical needs of New Yorkers hit hardest. We are honored to have our “Donate Your Commute” campaign featured in Law360’s story titled, “Counsel Who Care: How Attys Are Helping During A Crisis.”

Law360 writes, “New York-based disputes boutique Chaffetz Lindsey LLP has created an online donation form for the general public to donate money they have saved during the lockdown to organizations that help New Yorkers who have been hit hardest by the crisis. All 28 lawyers and 17 support staff members have made individual donations, the firm said, adding that it will match up to $20,000 on outside contributions. As to date, Chaffetz Lindsey has raised nearly $17,000 from the campaign. All donations will be split 50-50 between New York Lawyers for the Public Interest and City Harvest, New York City’s largest food rescue organization.”

View the entire article by Xiumei Dong on Law360’s website.

Learn more about our fundraising efforts and how to donate by clicking here.

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