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Chaffetz Lindsey Sponsors 14th Annual ICDR Y&I Coffee House Debate

Where Advocacy Meets Business

March 2018 – Chaffetz Lindsey was proud to sponsor the ICDR’s Annual Y&I Coffee House Debate that took place in Vienna on March 25th at Palais Daun-Kinsky on the occasion of the 25th annual Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot. The event was co-hosted by YAS (Young Arbitrators Sweden).  Chaffetz Lindsey attorney Gretta Walters spoke on a panel that debated the following topics:

Who´s paying for the coffee? Debate proposition: Third party funding creates arbitrator conflicts that must be disclosed

The café selects the baristas, not the customer! Debate proposition: Only institutions should appoint arbitrators as party appointments imperil legitimacy

This was the 14th anniversary of the event, of which Chaffetz Lindsey partner James Hosking was a co-founder.  James and Gretta both attended the Vis moot as judges and as co-coaches of, respectively, Harvard Law School and NYU.

For more details about the event, click here.

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