Gretta Walters


+1 212 257 6935
+1 212 257 6950
Where Advocacy Meets Business

Gretta Walters is one of the most promising young professionals that I have worked with at the firm and brings a fantastic point of view to each case.” -Legal 500 USA

Gretta’s experience as arbitrator and counsel spans a diverse range of commercial and investment disputes in domestic and international arbitration and state and federal courts.  These include arbitrations arising under the ICC, ICDR, AAA Commercial, AAA Construction, AAA Employment, BCICAC, LCIA, SCC, SMA, and UNCITRAL Rules.  Her cases have included disputes concerning construction/infrastructure projects; energy projects such as oil & gas, wind, solar, coal-fired, and hydroelectric projects; licensing and distribution agreements; the telecommunications sector; aerospace technology; shipping; the automotive industry; tax issues; investment agreements; banking and finance; mergers & acquisitions; lending agreements in developed and emerging markets; securities laws; manufacturing and sales contracts; employment disputes; executive compensation agreements; medical and pharmaceutical claims; and healthcare management agreements.  These matters have included legal questions arising under the laws of Brazil, British Columbia, the British Virgin Islands, the Cayman Islands, France, Germany, Haiti, Mexico, the Netherlands, Serbia, Singapore, Spain, Sweden, and numerous United States jurisdictions, such those of California, Florida, New York, Pennsylvania, Utah, and Washington, DC.


Prior to joining Chaffetz Lindsey, Gretta was an Associate at Mayer Brown, Legal Counsel at the Arbitration Institute of the Stockholm Chamber of Commerce, and a Visiting Lecturer at Stockholm University.

Representative Matters

  • Dispute concerning a Mexican contractor and O&M manager in a Mexico City-seated ICC arbitration against the owners of several wind farms in Mexico regarding alleged defect issues under Mexican law;
  • Dispute concerning a Mexican contractor and asset manager in a Mexico City-seated ICC arbitration against the owners of several solar plants in Mexico regarding alleged performance and post-M&A issues totaling over $200 million under Mexican law;
  • Dispute concerning an American & European developer and manufacturer of wind energy turbines in Texas and New York litigation with a French multinational wind farm owner regarding alleged product defects under New York law;
  • Dispute concerning termination of health care management agreements in AAA arbitration between New York-based REIT and health care facilities throughout the United States;
  • Dispute concerning insurance coverage claims related to medical treatment and products liability allegations in MDL;
  • Dispute concerning European developer and manufacturer of wind energy turbines in ICDR-administered arbitration with Canadian wind farm owner regarding alleged defects under New York law;
  • Dispute concerning the subsidiary of a large European energy company in an ICC arbitration against a major international contractor over construction of a hydro-electric power plant in Costa Rica under New York law;
  • Dispute concerning state-owned owner of a coal-fired power plant in Brazil in Stockholm-seated SCC arbitration against Chinese contractor totaling over $1 billion related to defects under Brazilian law;
  • Dispute concerning a German manufacturer and American buyer in an ICDR arbitration arising from an agreement to manufacture automotive parts under New York law;
  • Dispute concerning power plant in Guatemala in Singapore-seated ICC arbitration of construction / project finance claims totaling $1 billion+ concerning EPC contract termination under New York law;
  • Dispute concerning alleged breach of a distribution agreement between an American supplier of home control and automation products and a Belgian distributor in an ICC arbitration under New York law;
  • Dispute concerning termination of sales and marketing agreement between a Swedish technology developer and American counterparty in ICC arbitration under the laws of the United States;
  • Dispute concerning a French military equipment manufacturer in an action in New York federal court to stay an ICC arbitration seated in New York pending an interim jurisdictional award in a parallel ad hoc arbitration seated in Paris;
  • Dispute concerning an international investment fund lender with a Haitian borrower in ICDR arbitration regarding project finance loans;
  • Dispute concerning global asset manager in an ICDR arbitration against a US hedge fund regarding compensation of former employees and executives under New York law;
  • Disputes concerning global asset manager in AAA arbitrations against former employees and executives regarding compensation under New York law;
  • Dispute concerning the Republic of Moldova in U.S. federal court in New York to vacate a US$27.5 million default judgment against the Republic that confirmed a Russian arbitral award dating back to the 1990’s involving an oil & gas supply contract;
  • Dispute concerning two European companies seeking to enforce an LCIA arbitral award against Serbia in U.S. federal court;
  • Dispute concerning a private equity firm in a New York action and before the European Court of Human Rights for losses suffered as a result of a fraud by a large Spanish fishing company;
  • Dispute concerning the sale of a global private security service company between a UK-based seller and Canadian buyer involving earn-out and valuation issues in New York state court under New York law;
  • Dispute concerning unfair competition claims in U.S. federal court in Pennsylvania in connection with steel tariff exemption requests and objections before the U.S. Department of Commerce under Pennsylvania law;
  • Dispute concerning a secured lender in several litigations in New York state and federal courts related to lender’s use and liquidation of loan collateral under New York law;
  • Dispute concerning a Brazilian bank in New York federal court in discovery proceedings (28 U.S.C § 1782) in aid of Brazilian court proceeding and in New York state court to attach assets to satisfy judgments from Brazilian courts;
  • Dispute concerning a global financial institution in federal court brought by investors in residential mortgage‐backed securities under the Securities Exchange Act and state blue sky laws;
  • Dispute concerning real estate developers from the Dominican Republic in federal court against a lawsuit brought by a hotel management company;
  • Dispute concerning a global biopharmaceutical company in a New York state investigation under the New York False Claims Act.


Speaking Engagements

  • “Artificial Intelligence and International Arbitration,” Practicing Law Institute (PLI) International Arbitration 2024 Program (New York, June 2024).
  • “Litigation Boutiques in London and New York: 15 Years On,” London International Disputes Week (LIDW), (UK, June 2024).
  • “Enter the Shark Tank: Judging the Most Impactful Innovations in Arbitral Practice,” AAA-ICDR-ICC-ICSID Joint Colloquium on International Arbitration, (Washington, D.C., May 2024).
  • “The Use and Misuse of Artificial Intelligence in Dispute Resolution,” American Bar Association International Law Section’s Annual Conference, (Washington, D.C., May 2024).
  • “Jus Mundi: Global Arbitration Intelligence at Your Fingertips,” American Arbitration Association and the International Centre for Dispute Resolution (ICDR) webinar series “Arbitration Tech Toolbox: Mastering Digital Tools for Enhancing Your Arbitration Practice”, (April 2024).
  • “Closing Litigation Issues: Controversies Related to the Use of Escrow Agreements, Representations and Guarantees, and Price Adjustment,”  2024 International Bar Association’s M&A Latin America Conference, (Florida, March 2024).
  • “ICDR Y&I 19th Annual Coffee House Debate,” International Centre for Dispute Resolution, (Austria, March 2024).
  • “When Arbitrations and Institutions’ Authority Clash,” 17th Annual International Centre for Dispute Resolution (ICDR) Practice Moot and Lecture Series, (February 2024).
  • “Set Aside, Recognition and Enforcement,” International Commercial Arbitration Law and Practice – A Deep Dive for American Litigators and In-House Counsel,” AAA-ICDR Foundation’s CLE Webinar, (New York, January 2024).
  • “Efficient, Effective and Expeditious Resolution of Technology Disputes,” New York Arbitration Week 2023, Panelist (New York, November 2023).
  • “Procedures for Asserting and Evaluating Privilege Claims in International Arbitration,” New York Arbitration Week 2023, Moderator (New York, November 2023).
  • “Unlocking Opportunities: A Roadmap to a U.S. Career,” NYU-Latin American Arbitration Society (LAAS) Event, Panelist (New York, November 2023).
  • “Force Majeure arbitration disputes: what happens now?.” AIJA 13th Annual Arbitration Conference. Ever given, never given: Transport, Supply Chain and Arbitration (Athens, September 2023).
  • “Advanced Anatomy of Energy Arbitration Claim: Notice Through Award,” AAA Energy Conference, (Houston, September 2023).
  • “Evolution or Revolution: Have We Mastered International Arbitration or Do We Need a New Blueprint for the Future?” ICAL 20th Anniversary Conference, Conference Co-Chair (Stockholm, August 2023).
  • “Access to Justice, Right to a Fair Trial, Consent to Arbitration – Ensuring Everyone’s Right to a Day in Court,” AIJA Half-Year Conference, Speaker, (The Hague, May 2023).
  • “Arbitrating in Brazil: Present and Future,” Brazilian Law Society 6th Annual Conference, Speaker, (New York, April 2023).
  • “States cannot rely on their own breach of internal requirements to avoid arbitration agreements” and “Investigations carried out by states about the other side’s alleged corruption should not prevent arbitrations from proceeding,” Annual ICDR Y&I Coffee House Debate, Debater, (Vienna, April 2023).
  • “Regional Reports on the Current State of Affairs in International Arbitration,” 2023 iLaw Conference, Speaker, (Miami, February 2023).
  • “Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Awards and Judgments in the United States,” NSYBA International Discovery – Tools and Practice Tips, Moderator (Virtual, December 2022).
  • “Choosing Wisely: The Challenge of Interim Measures in International Arbitration, New York Arbitration Week, Speaker (New York, November 2022).
  • “Roundtable on ‘The Future of ICC Arbitration, Where Are We Headed?’” – Blockchain and arbitration, 100 years of ICC: Past, Present, and Future – ICC Arbitration Conference (Mexico City, June 2022).
  • “Arbitration Advocacy in the Virtual & Hybrid World,” CPR Training for Counsel in Arbitration – A Five Session Program (Virtual, June 2022).
  • “International Litigation: Outbound Cross-Border Discovery,” NSYBA International Discovery – Tools and Practice Tips (Virtual, June 2022).
  • “International Litigation: Inbound Cross-Border Discovery,” NSYBA International Discovery – Tools and Practice Tips (Virtual, May 2022).
  • “Challenges and Perspectives Towards Efficiency in International Arbitration,” 2022 CLS Brazil Forum: Challenges and Perspectives (Virtual, March 2022).
  • “R.E.A.L. Special Training on Oral Advocacy Skills,” (Virtual, March 2022).
  • “Overview of the Global Energy Market and the Impact of Regulatory Changes on New York Practitioners,” ENERAP NY Chapter Launch Event (Virtual, October 2021).
  • “Rise & Shine with Arbitration – New York,” DIS40 Event (Virtual, September 2021).
  • “2020-21 North American Recap: What You Need to Know,” 16th ICC New York Conference (Virtual, September 2021).
  • “Persuasion: Strategies for effective oral advocacy skills from the Counsel’s and the Tribunal’s perspectives,” NYU Brazilian Arbitration Day (Virtual, September 2021).
  • “Arbitragem e Mulan: qual o real espaço para as mulheres na arbitragem?” IV Congresso Visão Crítica da Arbitragem: 21 Anos CAM-AMCHAM (Virtual, June 2021).
  • “Discovery Under Section 1782: The Latest Developments,” ABA International Law Section’s International Litigation Skills Conference (Virtual, May 2021).
  • “The ICDR’s Revised International Arbitration Rules – Inspirations, Interpretations and Insights,” ICDR Event (Virtual, May 2021).
  • “New Opportunities for Arbitration Lawyers: Climate Change, Outer Space and Human Rights,” Young ArbitralWomen Practitioners Event (Virtual, May 2021).
  • “The House only has one door!’” and “The House serves all types of coffee!” Annual ICDR Y&I Coffee House Debate (Virtual, March 2021).
  • “How to Prepare for Online Proceedings in a Virtual World,” Fordham University School of Law Virtual Event, Speaker (March 2021).
  • “Unfogging the Future of U.S. Arbitration Law,” Washington University School of Law, Panelist (February 2021).
  • “ICDR Y&I Tertulia Sessions,” ICDR America’s Conference, Moderator (November 2020).
  • “Joinder of Parties and Virtual Hearings: When, Why and How?,” ICDR Y&I Virtual Event, Panelist (November 2020).
  • “Introduction to International Arbitration,” NYU IAA Virtual Event, Panelist (October 2020).
  • “Career Paths of Women in International Construction Arbitration,” ICDR Y&I Virtual Event, Moderator (October 2020).
  • “Data Protection in International Dispute Resolution,” ACEDS NY Metro Chapter Seminar, Panelist (New York, February 2020).
  • “Assessing the State of Play – UNCITRAL’s Working Group II (WGII) and Institutional, Expedited Arbitrations,” NYIAC Talks, Moderator (New York, February 2020).
  • “A Buyer’s Right to Specific Performance:  Article 46 of the CISG,” CISG in International Arbitration, Speaker (New York, February 2020).
  • “Diversity Challenge: Reinventing the Landscape for Young IA Practitioners,” New York Arbitration Week, Panelist (New York, November 2019).
  • “Understanding the Options in an ICDR International Arbitration,” AAA-ICDR Dispute Resolution Center, Speaker (New York, August 2019).
  • “Hot Topics in International Arbitration,” IASC/ICDR Y&I Event, Panelist, (Madrid, July 2019).
  • “A Guide to the ICDR International Arbitration Rules – An Update on the Application of the ICDR Rules,” AAA-ICDR Dispute Resolution Center, Panelist (New York, June 2019).
  • “Developments in Swedish Arbitration:  Court Procedures, SCC Rules and Practice,” SAA & SCC Half Day Conference, Speaker (Stockholm, May 2019).
  • “The Art of Advocacy: Tips, Tricks and War Stories,” ICDR Y&I Event, Moderator (New York, April 2019).
  • Demystifying the Arbitral Tribunal – Arbitrator Selection, Challenge and Dynamics,” KCAB International Seminar, Panelist (Vienna, April 2019).
  • “You can have your coffee black, but not black market!’” and “The barista knows best!” Annual ICDR Y&I Coffee House Debate, Debater (Vienna, April 2019).
  • “How to Handle Parallel Proceedings,” ICAL Conference 2018: Navigating the Muddy Waters of Modern Arbitration, Speaker (Stockholm, November 2018).
  • ICDR Y&I/YAS Seminar on Cross-Examination in International Arbitration, Panelist (Stockholm, November 2018).
  • “Developments in Swedish Arbitration Court Procedures, SCC Rules and Practices,” SAA & SCC Conference, Panelist (Stockholm, May 2018).
  • “Arbitrating Breach of Fiduciary Duty Claims,” American University, Washington College of Law, Panelist (Washington D.C., March 2018).
  • Who’s paying for coffee?” and “The café selects the baristas, not the customer!” Annual ICDR Y&I Coffee House Debate, Debater (Vienna, March 2018).
  • “Cross-Examination in International Arbitration,” Young ICCA Skills Training Workshop, Panelist and Participant (Stockholm, November 2017).
  • “Tips from the Top: Young ICCA interviews Gretta Walters,” Young ICCA Blog, Interviewee (October 2017).
  • “Careers in International Arbitration: The Role of International Courts, Institutions, and Tribunals,” ICC-YAF Event, Speaker (Washington D.C, October 2017).
  • You spilled my coffee – I’m not paying for you!” and “Waiter, just bring our coffees and stay out of it!” Annual ICDR Y&I Coffee House Debate, Debater (Vienna, April 2017).
  • Innovation in Arbitration,” VIII International Congress of Arbitration of ICC Costa Rica, Speaker (San Jose, February 2017).
  • “The Quite Triumph:  How Arbitration Changed the World,” Film Premier at Stockholm Chamber of Commerce Centenary Gala, Speaker in Film (Stockholm, January 2017).
  • Arbitral Institutions, Roles and Activities,” 8th Conference on Teaching Transnational Commercial Law, Speaker (Washington D.C., November 2016).
  • “To what extent can parties and counsel have an obligation to disclose hidden information relevant to the outcome?” Co-Chairs’ Circle Second Global Conference, Table Session Moderator (Helsinki, May 2016).
  • “Too Much Milk in my Coffee!’” and “If I don’t get my coffee now, you pay for my lawyer,” Annual ICDR Y&I Coffee House Debate, Debater (Vienna, March 2016).
  • “Discovery and international best practices – a practitioner’s perspective.” Stockholm Pre-Moot Conference, Speaker (Stockholm, March 2016).
  • “What Does an Arbitration Cost?” Georgetown Arbitration Month, Speaker (Washington D.C., February 2016).
  • In defense of international commercial arbitration: Lessons to be learned or ignored from investor-state arbitration,” ICC Young Arbitrators Forum, Moderator (New York, September 2015).
  • “Interim Measures from a U.S. perspective,” Interim Measures: Current and Future Perspectives, Speaker (Stockholm, May 2015).
  • “Arbitration in Eastern Europe – What’s Going On?,” 2015 European Forum ABA, Section of International Law, Speaker (Berlin, March 2015).
  • “Investor-State Arbitrations at the SCC,” FDI Moot 2014, Speaker (Malibu, October 2014).
  • “Debate: 2013 IBA Guidelines on Party Representation, Advocate Your Client’s Case No Matter What?” YAS 10 Year Jubilee, Panel Debater (Stockholm, August 2013).
  • “20 Years of Arbitration in Estonia and the Arbitration Proceedings in Latvia, Lithuania, the Russian Federation, Finland and Sweden,” Conference Speaker, (Tallinn, May 2012).
  • 2012 SCC Vis Pre-Moot Conference, Panel Moderator (Stockholm, March 2012).
  • “SCC Investment Arbitrations,” Frankfurt Investment Moot, Speaker (Frankfurt, March 2012).
  • Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot, Arbitrator (Vienna, 2011-2015).

Professional Affiliations

  • AAA-ICDR Council, Member (2022-present);
  • AAA Energy Subcommittee, Member (2023-present);
  • Higginbotham Fellow Program, Mentor (2023-present);
  • CIArb New York Branch, Secretary (2022-present);
  • International Center for Dispute Resolution Young & International (ICDR Y&I), Executive Board Member (2020-2023), Global Advisory Board Member (2017-2019);
  • Arbitration Lunch Match, New York and Washington, DC liaison (2021-present);
  • International Commercial Disputes Committee, New York City Bar, Secretary (2016-2020, 2022-2023), Member (2013-2016);
  • Arbitration Committee, New York City Bar, Member (2020-present);
  • New York Arbitration Week, Co-Chair (2023), Organizing Committee (2022);
  • CPR Young Alternative Dispute Resolution (Y-ADR), Steering Committee Member (2019-2023);
  • Stockholm University, ICAL Alumni Association, Chair of the Board (2021-2023), Member of Board of Directors (2019-2021);
  • ENERAP NY Chapter, Founding Member;
  • BMW Foundation Responsible Leaders Network;
  • ArbitralWomen, Member;
  • Young ICCA, Buddy in Mentorship Program with Claus von Wobeser as Mentor (2019-2021);
  • Vis Moot Alumni Association (MAA), Mentor (2020-present).




  • LL.M., Stockholm University
  • J.D., American University, Washington College of Law magna cum laude (Articles Editor American University Law Review)
  • B.A., University of Maryland cum laude



  • New York


  • Who’s Who Legal: Arbitration 2025- Global Elite Thought Leader- Under 45;
  • Who’s Who Legal: Arbitration 2025- Most Highly Regarded, Arbitration Future Leaders;
  • Chambers USA: International Arbitration: Counsel – Band 6 (2024);
  • Legal 500 Latin America: International Arbitration – Recommended (2023);
  • Legal 500 USA: International Arbitration – Rising Star (2022); Key Lawyer (2022);
  • Latinvex: Latin America Rising Legal Star (2023);
  • Who’s Who Legal: Arbitration 2022 – Selected as a Most Highly Regarded Future Leader for the Americas;
  • Who’s Who Legal: Arbitration 2021 – Selected as a Most Highly Regarded Future Leader for the Americas;
  • Who’s Who Legal: Arbitration 2020 – Future Leaders;
  • Stockholm University, ICAL Alumni Association, 2019 Outstanding Alumna.

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