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Gretta Walters to Speak About Online Proceedings in a Virtual World

Where Advocacy Meets Business

March 2021 – On Thursday, March 11th, Gretta Walters will participate in a one-on-one discussion with Rekha Rangachri, Executive Director of New York International Arbitration Center (NYIAC) about “How to Prepare for Online Proceedings in a Virtual World.” During the discussion, Gretta will provide insights into preparing for and participating in a virtual hearing, including by addressing considerations necessary to deal with technological issues, present witnesses and exhibits, negotiate a procedural protocol, comply with relevant arbitral rules and work effectively with team members.

The virtual event begins at 4:00pm EST. Registration is available here.

The event is hosted by Fordham University School of Law. CLE Credit for the program is approved in accordance with the requirements of the New York State and New Jersey State CLE Boards for a maximum of one (1) skills credit. Out-of-state attendees will have to apply to their states’ CLE Board for credit.

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