April 2019 – On Sunday, April 14th, Gretta Walters will participate in the 15th Annual ICDR Y&I Coffee House Debate at Palais Daun-Kinsky in Vienna, Austria. Gretta will join other panelists to discuss whether or not arbitrators should consider evidence that has been unlawfully obtained, as well as if arbitrators must be more inquisitive to ensure efficiency and effectiveness, reduce document production, limit submissions and lengthy hearing dates, impose shorter time frames, and promote settlement.
The event is sponsored by Chaffetz Lindsey and was co-founded by partner James Hosking. It takes place on the occasion of the 26th Annual Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot, which aims to foster the study of international commercial law and arbitration for resolution of international business disputes through its application to a concrete problem of a client and to train law leaders of tomorrow in methods of alternative dispute resolution. Gretta will also be attending the 26th Annual Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot as the co-coach of the New York University Law School team and as an arbitrator.
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