November 2020 – On Tuesday, November 10th, James Hosking and Gretta Walters will participate in a panel discussion hosted by ICDR Young and International (Y&I) titled “Joinder of Parties and Virtual Hearings: When, Why and How?” The event features two panel discussions on joinder of parties and virtual hearings. James is a panelist, and Gretta a moderator for the discussion on virtual hearings. The panel will discuss the authority of arbitral tribunals to proceed with a virtual hearing when not all the parties are in agreement, when this authority should be exercised, and the logistics and procedural mechanism that should be employed.
The discussion will begin at 11:00am EST. Free registration is available here.
ICDR® Young & International (Y&I) is the networking group for arbitration and other ADR practitioners under 40 sponsored by the International Centre for Dispute Resolution® (ICDR). The Executive Board is the ultimate decision-maker for all ICDR Y&I activities, and the Executive Board steers all operations in close coordination with the ICDR. Gretta serves as a member of the Executive Board.
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