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Gretta Walters and Rainbow Willard to Speak About Diversity at New York Arbitration Week

Where Advocacy Meets Business

November 2019 – On Wednesday, November 20th, Gretta Walters and Rainbow Willard will participate in a panel discussion titled, “Diversity Challenge: Reinventing the Landscape for Young IA Practitioners.” Panel participants will examine the state of diversity in international arbitration, define diversity in a changing world and strategize tips and tools to move the needle measurably forward. The event is hosted by the New York International Arbitration Center (NYIAC) and various young arbitration groups, including the American Arbitration Association-International Centre for Dispute Resolution’s Young & International (AAA-ICDR’s Y&I) and Chartered Institute of Arbitrators Young Members Group (CIArb YMG), where Gretta and Rainbow hold leadership positions, respectively.

The event is part of New York’s inaugural Arbitration Week, which will bring together arbitration advocates, neutrals and academics from New York, the Americas and the broader international community.



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