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Young ITA Appoints Lidia Rezende as North America Chair

Where Advocacy Meets Business

July 2021 – The Institute for Transnational Arbitration’s Young ITA appointed Lidia Rezende as the North America Chair on the Young ITA’s new leadership team. Lidia is one of seventeen new Regional Chairs and Vice-Chairs, who will be responsible for coordinating activities in ten different regions across the globe. As North America Chair, Lidia will serve as an ambassador for the region, organize #YoungITATalks events, develop relationships with local and regional international arbitration organizations and create written contributions to Young ITA’s online publications.

Young ITA promotes the involvement of young professionals (under 40) in the international arbitration community through programs, publications and other activities across over 100 countries. Young ITA is the “young” arm of the Institute for Transnational Arbitration, which was created in 1986 with the goal of educating business executives, government officials and lawyers about arbitration as a means of resolving transnational business disputes and promoting global adherence to the world’s principal arbitration treaties.


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