We represent or have represented:
- Brazilian company in a tripartite LCIA-administered arbitration under the UNCITRAL Rules arising out of a joint operating agreement. (Brazilian law; Paris seat)
- Multinational owners of a power plant in Central America in a $1.2 billion ICC arbitration against a Chinese contractor concerning termination of an EPC contract and financing agreement. (New York law; Singapore seat)
- German parent and its US subsidiary in an ICDR arbitration against a Canadian infrastructure company concerning supply of turbines to a major wind farm project in Texas. (New York law; New York seat)
- Subsidiary of a European energy company in an ICC arbitration over termination of a Spanish contractor for a BOT hydro dam project in Central America, also involving litigation over security. (New York law; Miami seat)
- US energy company in a Singapore-seated SIAC arbitration of post-acquisition claims for breach of warranties/fraud arising from the purchase of a power plant in Pakistan. (English law; Singapore seat)
- Multinational engineering company in an ICC arbitration concerning warranties for remediation of a site used for petrochemical activities. (Florida law; New York seat)
- Owner of a combined cycle power plant in Guatemala in advising on claims arising out of installation of a defective turbine, including claims against the OEM as well as the installer.
- US energy company in an ICSID arbitration against a Latin American state, seeking recovery for breaches of international law arising out of interference in the power generation and distribution markets.
- European oil company against a multinational oil company in an ICC arbitration in a dispute arising out of a JOA for a concession in Venezuela. (New York and Venezuelan law; New York seat)
- US oil company in an UNCITRAL conciliation against a North African state-owned entity in a dispute concerning contractual renegotiation.
- European energy company in an ICDR arbitration over tax allocations in a JV agreement for an LNG project in the Caribbean (and overseeing local litigation strategy). (New York and Trinidad law; New York seat)
- African state-owned petroleum company in court proceedings in New York and Washington D.C. regarding the enforcement of a multi-billion dollar arbitration award in US federal court; the arbitration underlying the award involved a complex dispute with JV partners regarding profit-sharing and tax implications.
- Brazilian corporation in an ICDR arbitration and parallel US litigation concerning international sales contracts for fuel supply. (New York law; New York seat)
- Multinational engineering company in an ICC arbitration arising out of a JV for construction/refurbishment of an oil refinery project in Mexico. (New York seat; New York law)
- US power company against an instrumentality of an Indian State Government in an ad hoc arbitration in India. (New York and Indian law; Indian seat)
- Middle East oil and gas company in New York litigation against a major US investment bank regarding claims arising out of a complex hedging program.
- Multinational company in a SIAC arbitration in Singapore concerning claims for fraud and breach of warranty following the acquisition of a co-generation plant in Pakistan. (English law; Singapore seat)
- Multinational energy company on managing and ultimately settling a series of alleged breaches of an M&A agreement for the acquisition of a bundle of energy-related assets arising out of the largest intra-South American energy deal.
- European energy company in an international law dispute against a sovereign, with claims brought under the ECT and the applicable BIT regarding the sovereign’s regulatory restructuring of its energy sector.
- Multinational energy company in reviewing and coordinating multiple commercial arbitrations and litigations affecting power and gas assets throughout Brazil, including settling a long-standing dispute with the Brazilian energy regulator.