Andy Frischknecht Publishes Bilingual Article in Leading German Art Law Journal
November 2024—Chaffetz Lindsey’s Andy Frischknecht recently co-published an article with former Chaffetz Lindsey Referendar Dennis Harrus in the leading German art law journal, Kunst und Recht. The article, titled “Der gutgläubige Erwerb von Kunstwerken nach dem Recht von New York and the Good Faith Acquisition of Artworks under German Law“, explores the circumstances in which a good faith purchaser for value may acquire valid title to an artwork even though the seller was neither the work’s true owner nor authorized to sell it on the owner’s behalf.
The article has two parts: Part 1, published in German, discusses the good faith acquisition of artworks under New York law. Part 2, published in English and intended primarily for an international audience, explores the same topic under German law.
Click here for the abstract and more information on the article.
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